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How earthquakes can effect your property

Around 20,000 earthquakes happen in and around New Zealand each year. Most are too small to be noticed, but around 250 are big enough to be felt. It’s important for people to be prepared for earthquakes as they can occur unexpectedly and without warning.

New Zealand is located on the boundary of the Australian and Pacific tectonic plates, making it highly susceptible to earthquakes as these plates are constantly grinding into each other. The collision of these plates and the resulting subduction along the Hikurangi Subduction Zone and Puysegur Trench create frequent seismic activity. In addition to plate boundary interactions, New Zealand has many active fault lines, such as the Alpine Fault and the Wellington Fault, which can move suddenly and cause large earthquakes.

Landcheck for Earthquakes

The risks

Earthquakes can have a range of potential impacts on properties, depending on the magnitude and location of the earthquake, as well as the quality of construction and maintenance of the property. Some potential impacts of earthquakes on properties are:

Structural damage: One of the most common impacts of earthquakes is structural damage to buildings and other structures. This can include cracks in walls, foundations, and roofs, as well as damage to chimneys, stairs, and balconies.

Foundation issues: Earthquakes can also cause foundation issues, such as shifting or settling, which can lead to uneven floors, cracked walls, and other problems.

Water damage: Earthquakes can cause water lines to break, which can result in flooding and water damage to properties.

Fire damage: Earthquakes can cause gas lines to rupture and sparks to ignite, which can result in fires that can cause significant damage to properties.

Land movement: In areas prone to landslides or liquefaction, earthquakes can cause the ground to shift, leading to property damage or even complete loss.

Building collapse: In extreme cases, earthquakes can cause buildings to collapse, resulting in significant damage or even loss of life.

Landcheck mitigates your risks

Overall, Landcheck reports can help property owners and buyers make informed decisions about earthquake risk and take appropriate steps to mitigate that risk. By providing detailed information about the property, Landcheck reports can help homeowners and buyers ensure their safety in the event of an earthquake.

A Landcheck report provides valuable information that will help Kiwis understand and mitigate earthquake risks in New Zealand. This information includes:

Identify earthquake-prone areas

Landcheck reports provide information about the likelihood of earthquakes occurring in the area where the property is located. This can help homeowners and buyers understand the level of earthquake risk they face.

Highlight earthquake-prone features

The reports also identify any features of the property or surrounding area that may make it more susceptible to earthquake damage, such as steep slopes or proximity to fault lines

Actions to take

If your property is in an area that is at risk of being impacted by an earthquake, Landcheck provides a list of actions you should take to better understand the hazard and be prepared if one were to occur.

Provide mitigation recommendations

Landcheck reports offer recommendations for mitigating earthquake risk, such as reinforcing the foundation, securing loose objects, or retrofitting the property to make it more earthquake resistant.

Landcheck your property

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