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How coastal erosion can effect your property

Coastal erosion refers to the gradual wearing away of land and beaches along coastlines. In New Zealand, coastal erosion is a significant issue, with many communities and infrastructure at risk of damage or loss.

New Zealand has a massive coastline, and much of the population and key infrastructure is located near the coast, making them vulnerable to erosion. New Zealand’s rugged topography and coastal geology make it particularly prone to coastal erosion, and the country experiences some of the highest rates of coastal erosion in the world. This is exacerbated by climate change, with rising sea levels and more frequent severe weather events increasing erosion rates. The main causes of coastal erosion in New Zealand are:

Storms and wave action: The energy from storms and large waves can cause significant erosion along coastlines, particularly during severe weather events.

Sea level rise: Rising sea levels due to climate change are causing more frequent and severe coastal erosion in New Zealand.

Sediment supply: A lack of sediment supply to the coast, often due to human activities such as damming rivers or mining sand, can increase the erosion rates along coastlines.

Coastal development: Human activities such as building structures and modifying the coastline can disrupt natural processes and increase erosion rates.

Natural processes: Coastal erosion is a natural process that occurs over time as waves, currents, and tides reshape the coastline.

Landcheck for coastal erosion

The risks

Coastal erosion can have a range of impacts on properties in New Zealand, depending on the location and severity of erosion. Some potential impacts of coastal erosion on properties are:

Loss of land: Coastal erosion can cause the gradual loss of land, resulting in reduced property values and loss of assets. In severe cases, erosion can cause property to become uninhabitable and may require relocation.

Damage to infrastructure: Coastal erosion can damage infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and buildings, which can be expensive to repair or replace.

Increased risk of flooding: As the coast erodes, the risk of flooding and storm surges increases, potentially leading to damage or destruction of property.

Environmental impacts: Coastal erosion can also impact the surrounding environment, including beaches, dunes, and wildlife habitats, which can have negative effects on the local ecosystem.

Insurance issues: Kiwi’s living in coastal properties will see their insurance premiums increase as providers move towards risk-based pricing for areas more susceptible to natural hazards. Eventually, they may lose access to insurance altogether. It is estimated that 30,000 coastal properties will be uninsurable within the next few decades.

Overall, coastal erosion will have significant impacts on properties in New Zealand, and homeowners and buyers must be aware of the risks and take appropriate steps to protect their assets.

Landcheck mitigates your risks

Overall, Landcheck reports can help property owners and buyers make informed decisions about coastal erosion risk and take appropriate steps to mitigate that risk. By providing this information, Landcheck reports can help homeowners and buyers protect their property and ensure their safety in the event of coastal erosion.

A Landcheck report provides valuable information that will help Kiwis understand and mitigate the risk of coastal erosion in New Zealand. This information includes:

Identify erosion-prone areas

Landcheck reports provide information about the likelihood of coastal erosion occurring in the area where the property is located. This can help homeowners and buyers understand the level of coastal erosion risk they face.

Highlight erosion-prone features

The reports also identify any features of the property or surrounding area that may make it more susceptible to coastal erosion, such as proximity to the coast, steep slopes, or low-lying areas.

Take action

If your property is in an area that is at risk of being impacted by an earthquake, Landcheck provides a list of actions you should take to better understand the hazard and be prepared if one were to occur.

Provide mitigation recommendations

Landcheck reports offer recommendations for mitigating coastal erosion risk, such as planting vegetation, constructing seawalls, or elevating the property above flood levels.

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